Have you always wanted a custom wine cellar in your home, but are not sure where to put it?
Is space a concern? The good news is that with advances in cooling technology, a wine cellar can be built into nearly any available space. Maybe you have a basement or empty bedroom that can be converted into a large cellar or perhaps you have a considerably smaller available space such as a closet or nook. Any of these may be a viable option for building a wine cellar that will suit your collection. Today we are outlining important factors to consider when selecting your cellar’s location.
Location Options to Consider:
This may be the best place for a wine cellar. Basements receive little to no direct sunlight and have naturally low temperatures and ideal humidity. Wine cellars are meant to replicate wine caves and basements typically create a similar environment. Basements also tend to be large and provide ample space for your growing wine collection.
Empty Bedroom:
Do you have a room you are not utilizing such as a guest room or office? An empty bedroom may also be a great option for a wine cellar location. Bedrooms provide a large empty space ideal for the additional construction required for a wine cellar. It is important to remember to choose a bedroom on the side of your house that receives the least amount of sunlight.
Wine cellars can be built into spaces such as a closet, nook, or unused pantry. They can even be built in the small area beneath your stairs. These locations are great for wine cellars because they take up minimal space yet make an impressive addition to your home. They also offer you more flexibility in location. You may have only one bedroom or one basement, but multiple closets to choose from.
Picking the best room for your wine cellar is one of the most important aspects of planning. If owning a wine cellar is your dream, there are ways to make it happen. Contact us with our Contact Form and let us help you get your project started.